
Moments Of Faith Devotional August 22, 2024 By Prophet Frank Udoh.

Freedom from Past Hurts

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
— Psalm 147:3 (NIV)

The past can be a heavy burden to carry, especially when it’s filled with pain, betrayal, or disappointment. Many of us carry wounds from our past—whether they are the result of our own mistakes or the actions of others—that continue to affect our lives today. These past hurts can create emotional and spiritual strongholds that keep us from experiencing the fullness of God’s love, peace, and freedom.

However, God doesn’t want us to live bound by our past. He offers healing, restoration, and freedom from every hurt and wound. Psalm 147:3 reassures us that God is in the business of healing the brokenhearted and binding up their wounds. He is the Great Physician, capable of healing even the deepest scars.

1. Acknowledge the Pain:
The first step toward healing is acknowledging the pain. Sometimes we try to suppress or ignore our hurts, thinking that if we don’t think about them, they’ll go away. But unaddressed pain can fester and grow, affecting every area of our lives. Bring your pain to God in prayer, acknowledging it before Him, and asking Him to heal your heart.

2. Forgive Those Who Hurt You:
Forgiveness is a powerful key to freedom from past hurts. Holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness only prolongs our pain and keeps us chained to the past. Jesus taught us to forgive others as we have been forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15). While forgiveness doesn’t excuse the wrongs done to us, it releases us from the bondage of anger and resentment, allowing God’s healing to flow into our hearts.

3. Release the Past to God:
Letting go of the past is not always easy, but it is necessary for healing. Trust that God has a plan for your life that goes beyond your past. He can take your pain and turn it into something beautiful, using it to shape you and strengthen your faith. Surrender your past to God, and allow Him to work all things together for your good (Romans 8:28).

4. Renew Your Mind:
The enemy often tries to keep us trapped in the past by reminding us of our hurts and failures. But God’s Word tells us to renew our minds and focus on His truth (Romans 12:2). Meditate on Scriptures that speak of God’s healing, love, and restoration. Replace negative thoughts with the truth of who you are in Christ—healed, whole, and deeply loved by God.

5. Embrace God’s Healing Process:
Healing is often a process, and it may take time. Be patient with yourself as you walk through this journey with God. Seek His presence daily, and allow Him to minister to your heart. Surround yourself with supportive, godly friends who can pray with you and encourage you as you move forward.

6. Walk in Freedom:
As God heals your heart, embrace the freedom He gives you. Let go of the past, and step into the new life He has for you. Don’t allow past hurts to define you or limit you. Instead, walk in the freedom and fullness of life that Jesus came to give (John 10:10).

Remember, God’s desire is for you to be whole—spirit, soul, and body. No matter how deep your wounds may be, His love and power are greater. As you trust Him with your past, He will bring healing and restore your joy, peace, and purpose. You don’t have to carry the weight of past hurts any longer. In Christ, you are free.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your healing power and love. I bring my past hurts to You, and I ask for Your healing touch on my heart. Help me to forgive those who have hurt me, and to release my past into Your hands. Renew my mind with Your truth, and fill me with Your peace and joy. Thank You for the freedom I have in Christ, and for the new life You have given me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading:

  • Isaiah 61:1
  • Matthew 11:28-30
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Psalm 34:18

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