
Moments Of Faith Daily Devotional 30 July 2023 By Prophet Frank Udoh

Topic: Drawing on God’s Power Daily

Scripture: Philippians 4:13 (NIV) – “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.


Life may be both great and difficult, filled with both happy and difficult events. We frequently discover ourselves in need of strength that is greater than our own in the face of life’s hardships. We have the great pleasure of utilizing God’s strength every day as followers of Christ. His strength is at our disposal to uphold us, lead us, and equip us to handle any circumstance that comes our way. Let’s investigate how we might look for this heavenly power every day and feel the impact it has on our lives.

Accept Dependence on God:

Before we may access God’s strength, we must accept our dependence on Him. It’s acceptable to acknowledge that we can’t accomplish everything on our own. The first step to experience God’s enabling presence in our life is to surrender our independence and admit that we need His power.

Begin the Day in Prayer:

Each morning, start the day in prayer by asking God to rule your thoughts, deeds, and choices. Talk to Him about your worries, aspirations, and dreams, and ask for His direction for the next day. Prayer allows us to open the door for God to use His strength within us on a regular basis.

Reflect on God’s Word:

The Bible is a gold mine of knowledge and power. Spend some time each day reflecting on the Bible to let God’s Word enter your heart and thinking. You will experience inspiration, calm, and the certainty of His presence as you reflect on His lessons and promises.

Trust God’s time:

In order to access God’s power, we must have faith in both His time and His purposes for our life. Keep in mind that God’s methods are superior than our ways when you’re experiencing waiting or uncertainty (Isaiah 55:9). Our faith can be strengthened and the endurance we require can be provided by patience and confidence in God’s perfect timing.

Walk in Obedience:

According to John 14:15, obeying God’s commands is an indication of our love for Him. He gives us the strength to overcome obstacles and withstand temptation as we work to live in accordance with His will. Walking in obedience deepens our relationship with God and makes it possible for us to witness His power at work in and through us.

Learn from Failure:

Recognize that God can use trials to hone and fortify your character during times of difficulty. Accept obstacles as chances for development and change. Trials teach us to rely on God’s strength and reveal the extent of His strength inside us.

Motivate Others:

Encourage people around you as you constantly lean on God’s strength. Speak encouraging, loving, and affirming words. God may use you as an instrument of His strength and consolation in their path if you encourage others since it can have a significant impact on their lives.

Manifest Forgiveness:

In addition to being an act of obedience, forgiving others is a means of letting go of the weight of bitterness and animosity. We are able to forgive as we have been forgiven by drawing on God’s power (Ephesians 4:32). We discover healing and renewed vigor to carry on through forgiveness.

Practice Gratitude in Adversity:

Keep a grateful mindset when dealing with challenging situations. Consider your assets rather than your shortcomings. By expressing your gratitude, you allow God to provide for you and gain the ability to view obstacles positively.

Seek discernment and wisdom:

Pray for wisdom and discernment in making decisions. God’s strength is available to guide you in choosing the right path and avoiding pitfalls.

Practice Gratitude in Adversity:

Keep a grateful mindset when dealing with challenging situations. Consider your assets rather than your shortcomings. By expressing your gratitude, you allow God to provide for you and gain the ability to view obstacles positively.

Find Support in Your Community:

Surround yourself with other Christians who can raise you up and support you on your path. Join a church, small group, or fellowship so that you can help one another through trials and celebrations. In trying times, the love and support of a supportive community can be a source of courage and solace.

React with thankfulness:

Make it a practice to express thankfulness for God’s mercies and supplies in your life. Gratefulness encourages contentment because it helps us turn our attention away from our concerns and toward God’s faithfulness. Our emotions are more receptive to God’s strength when we are grateful.

Accept Vulnerability:

Accepting vulnerability before God is crucial in our pursuit of strength. Knowing that He is aware of your worries, skepticism, and difficulties and that He cares profoundly about you, share them with Him. God’s strength can show through our shortcomings when we are vulnerable with Him, fostering a stronger relationship with Him (2 Corinthians 12:10).

Engage in Worship:

Worship is a potent approach to access God’s strength on a daily basis. Recognizing His greatness, loyalty, and love, lift your heart in admiration and praise. A wealth of joy and power can be found in His presence (Psalm 16:11) as you open yourself to Him through worship.

Exercise Self-manage:

Part of drawing on God’s power is learning to manage our thoughts, deeds, and emotions. We are able to withstand temptation and self-destructive tendencies under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We can make wise decisions that serve God’s objectives when we exercise self-control.

Be Consistent in Your Prayers:

Jesus urged His followers to continue in their prayers (Luke 18:1–8). Keep up with your prayers and be fervent when you are up against difficulties. God hears and responds in accordance with His perfect will, so rest easy. Have faith that He will give you the stamina you need to endure and triumph.

Recall God’s Earlier Fidelity:

Consider times in the past when God provided for you and was trustworthy. It will strengthen your faith and confidence in His capacity to offer strength for your current situations to reflect on His deliverance and provision.

Serve Others in Love:

To access God’s strength, one must sacrificially serve others. Put others’ needs ahead of your own and take action to aid them. Serving others with love and compassion not only reflects God’s nature but also makes room for His power to manifest itself in deeds of generosity.

Learn from Failure:

Recognize that God can use trials to hone and fortify your character during times of difficulty. Accept obstacles as chances for development and change. Trials teach us to rely on God’s strength and reveal the extent of His strength inside us.

Manifest Forgiveness:

In addition to being an act of obedience, forgiving others is a means of letting go of the weight of bitterness and animosity. We are able to forgive as we have been forgiven by drawing on God’s power (Ephesians 4:32). We discover healing and renewed vigor to carry on through forgiveness.


Daily seeking God’s power for strength is a transformational path that calls for conscious acts of faith, humility, and dependency. You will discover the depth and breadth of God’s strength in your life as you accept vulnerability, participate in worship, persevere in prayer, reflect on past faithfulness, serve others, release fears, and grow from hardship. Rely on His strength by forgiving, encouraging, being thankful, and seeking knowledge. Rest on His promises, knowing that His power is always there to keep you going. You will find the strength and bravery to live a life that honors God and has an impact on the world for His kingdom as a result of your daily pursuit of God’s power. May you be inspired to seek His power each day with renewed zeal and trust.


Heavenly Father,

Today, we come before You with grateful hearts, seeking to draw on Your power daily. We acknowledge our need for Your strength to navigate life’s challenges and to live in alignment with Your will.

As we surrender our weaknesses and shortcomings to You, we invite Your Holy Spirit to empower us. Fill us with courage, faith, and wisdom to walk boldly in Your ways.

Lord, help us to trust in Your unfailing love and to rely on Your strength in every circumstance. May Your presence be our constant source of comfort and guidance.

Thank You for being our rock and refuge, our ever-present help in times of need. We commit ourselves to seek Your strength each day and to live for Your glory.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.



  • Isaiah 41:10
  • Psalm 46:1
  • 2 Corinthians 12:9

Moments of Faith Devotional was Written by Prophet Frank Udoh; Is the Presiding Bishop of Christ Peace Ministries; a versatile man of God with over 20 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

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