
Moments Of Faith Daily Devotional 4 September 2023 By Prophet Frank Udoh

TITLE: ”The Davidic Path to Greatness”

SCRIPTURE: “Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.” (1 Samuel 16: 13)


It’s worth noting that while David’s brothers appeared to have more favor and better opportunities, David was entrusted with the duty of tending to his father’s sheep. Within the confines of his home, David wasn’t necessarily the favored one. He didn’t enjoy the privileges that his elder siblings did. However, even in the solitude of the wilderness, God, who discerns the hearts of individuals, chose him and anointed him as king. God would later describe David as a man after His own heart. This signifies that even in the wilderness, David’s heart remained steadfast in his devotion to God.

My friend, you may find yourself in a situation akin to the wilderness, but can your heart remain aligned with God and with others? Can your actions in private be pleasing to God? Can your dedication to your responsibilities be exemplary, even if you’re not in the spotlight? Can you maintain the right motivation to excel despite your current circumstances? Can your role demand the best of you, even if it lacks recognition? Can you be your best self, despite the “wilderness” you find yourself in?

David’s time in the wilderness was marked by moments of bravery. He once recounted how he had bravely defeated a lion and a bear that threatened his father’s sheep. Even in the wilderness, he displayed strength, courage, and a determination to protect what was entrusted to him. You may still be in your own “wilderness,” but who are you becoming in this place? Does the person you are in the wilderness align with the potential you have in the limelight?

If you were suddenly thrust out of obscurity and into the spotlight, what qualities would people see in you? Understand that the person you are right now is what will be revealed when you are in the limelight. If God were to elevate you to a position of prominence today, would you proudly and confidently display your current character? If the person you are in the “wilderness” isn’t good enough, it won’t be good enough in the limelight either.

Remember, David was exceptional in the wilderness, and he eventually rose to greatness on the throne. Be the best version of yourself in your current circumstances, and true greatness will find its way to you in due time. Strive to be your best even when the spotlight isn’t on you, for it will only enhance your journey when the time comes for you to shine.


Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you with hearts filled with gratitude for the wisdom and inspiration found in the word we’ve read today. Thank you for reminding us through the story of David that even in the wilderness of life, you see our hearts, and you can lead us to greatness.

Lord, help us guard our hearts and keep them aligned with your will, whether we are in the spotlight or hidden in the shadows. Grant us the strength, courage, and determination to excel in all that we do, not for our glory but for yours.

May we find joy and fulfillment in serving you and others with integrity, knowing that you reward faithfulness. As we navigate our own wilderness moments, let us become better versions of ourselves, just as David did.

We pray that you guide us on our journey, just as you guided David from the pasture to the throne. May our lives ultimately bring glory and honor to your name.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.



Ecclesiastes 9, 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)

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