
Moments Of Faith Daily Devotional 5 August 2023 By Prophet Frank Udoh

Title: A Living Memorial

KEY VERSE: “And Joshua set up twelve stones in the midst of Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests which bare the ark of the covenant stood: and they are there unto this day” (Joshua 4:9)

TEXT: Joshua 4:1-9 (KJV)


A memorial is a good way to act as a reminder. It continually draws people’s attention to something or someone’s outstanding action. This is exactly what God calls every believer to be in the world via salvation in Christ. He desires for us to be a symbol of His transforming power and to leave an indelible mark of gospel truth on all we meet.

Our passage focuses on God’s order to Joshua to erect a memorial to commemorate the crossing of the Jordan River. This was undoubtedly a tremendous miracle that God wanted them to remember and pass on to future generations. Chosen men from each of Israel’s 12 tribes were to bring a stone for the monument’s building; thus, no tribe was left out.

Similarly, individuals who have found salvation must not abandon their responsibilities to pass on the gospel word until it is passed on to the next generation. This is the most important business. No one is excluded from God’s invitation to salvation and service.

Believers should seize every opportunity to erect eternal monuments in people’s lives. We should band together with other Christians to participate in mass evangelism. We should join the crowds in praying for the salvation of souls in our communities. We should also make financial contributions to soul-winning activities. Everyone who has tasted God’s mercy cannot remain silent or passive in proclaiming His magnificent actions. Bringing souls into the Kingdom will, without a doubt, become eternal memorials to our record in heaven.


 To stand and be counted in God’s work is wise.


Ezra 4-6

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