Scripture: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2)
To be “fashioned alike” is to conform. Therefore, refusing to adhere to this world’s ways entails refusing to be made in its image. You experienced a new birth, had your spirit remade, and were made into a completely different species of being with no memory of your previous existence (2nd Corinthians 5:17).Your intellect is not yet refreshed, despite the fact that your spirit has been given a fresh start.
This explains why, despite being born again, you occasionally find that some of the bad thoughts and ideas you used to have pop into your head. If the word does not renew your mind, thoughts of frailty, wickedness, illness, and sin may rule your thoughts. You’ll need to regularly reflect on God’s word in order to overcome this. Feed the word to your mind and spirit. With the word, reframe and rejuvenate your ideas.
You will think God’s thoughts and His views and ideas will rule your thinking once your mind has been restored by the word. Decide to dwell on the word every day, not just today. When you meditate, the word penetrates your spirit into your mind, causing fresh ideas to flood your mind and take control. Then, you will adopt a mindset of success, victory, health, prosperity, and greatness instead of one of failure, weakness, illness, and loss.
I thank you dear heavenly Father for the entrance of your word gives light to my spirit and renews my mind. As I meditate on your word today, I am metamorphosed, and my mind is renewed after the image of Christ Jesus, my Lord Amen.
Hebrews 4:12; Colossians 3:9-10.
Wonderful words 👏 am glad am able to read these devotional messages bless you Man of God.
God bless you
Amen, Bless you too