pastor frank

Moments Of Faith Daily Devotional 14 August 2023 By Prophet Frank Udoh


Scripture: And my worst fear have all come true (Job 3:25 )

A common misconception is that God allowed Satan to beat Job and cause him to suffer in order to humble him. That is untrue! Fear was the downfall of Job. By expressing his anxieties, he gave Satan a place to enter and disrupt his life. Job was a guy who had enormous blessing and protection from God. Since Satan said, “Hast thou not made a hedge about him, about his house, and about all that he has on every side?,” he must have known this. Job 1:10 states, “Thou hast blessed the labor of his hands, and his substance is multiplied in the land.

When Satan has attempted to attack Job in the past, he has discovered that the man is well-defended by God; a spiritual hedge of safety surrounds him. Then, how did Satan enter through that hedge to confront Job? Our first verse describes what occurred: Job gave in to the spirit of dread and let it rule his thoughts. Job mourned, “…the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me and that which I was afraid of is come unto me,” in spite of God’s protection over his life, which even Satan attested to. I wasn’t secure, I wasn’t sleeping, I wasn’t being quiet, and yet calamity came (Job 3:25–26). So, in Job 1:12, God told Satan, “See, everything he possesses is in your power.

Fear gets in the way of faith, and that was Job’s issue. Fear is basically a manifestation of the adversary’s potential to harm you; it is a manifestation of negative faith. And the Bible says that God never changes the words he has spoken. Job began talking about his anxieties just as he was tearing holes in the wall of protection God had erected around him. A serpent will bite the person who breaks a hedge, according to Ecclesiastes 10:8. Through the perverseness of his lips—by speaking and acting afraid—Job gave Satan his possessions. Never express dread or words that are motivated by fear. Continue to immerse yourself in God’s word, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”(Matthew 12:34). When you fill your heart with the word, your mouth will of necessity speak from the rich deposit of the word in your spirit.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving me the spirit of love, power and a sound mind! I declare that fear has no place in me. My mouth is filled today with faith-filled words by which I create circumstances which are consistent with the new creation life I have in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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