
Moments Of Faith Daily Devotional 19 September 2023 By Prophet Frank Udoh


“And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.” (Luke 7: 14)


In the Focal Scripture, Jesus issued a powerful command to a young man who had passed away. Addressing him as “young man,” Jesus emphasized that his life had not reached its conclusion. He encouraged the young man to rise because there was still a journey ahead, heights to conquer, new seasons to experience, and uncharted phases of life to unfold.
In the same way, Jesus is speaking to you today, urging you to rise above the misfortunes, heartbreaks, and challenges you’ve faced. Whether it’s health issues, setbacks, past losses, or mistakes, Jesus calls you to break free from the constraints that have held you back and move forward.
Just as the young man’s story held the potential for marriage and fatherhood, your future is brimming with possibilities. Dare to rise, because there is a bright future waiting for you. There are unexplored territories to conquer, new opportunities to seize, and greater heights to attain.
Brush off the dust of the past and step confidently into the future. New doors and opportunities are poised to open, miracles and testimonies await, and remarkable transitions lie ahead. Your destiny has yet to fully reveal itself, and there are countless reasons for celebration and congratulations that will become your reality.

Don’t let your past or failures hold you down. Instead, heed the call to arise and press forward into a future filled with promise and potential.

I arise, I take my place; my chapters are not closed yet, in Jesus’ name!

Isaiah 60

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