
Moments Of Faith Daily Devotional 6 October 2023 By Prophet Frank Udoh

TITLE: The Assurance of Eternal Life

SCRIPTURE: I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13 NIV).

In the opening verse of his teachings, the Apostle John fervently emphasizes a profound truth for believers – the knowledge of possessing eternal life. This pivotal concept hinges on the Greek word “eido,” which signifies a profound awareness and understanding of a remarkable reality.

Regrettably, many Christians remain unaware of their possession of eternal life, leading them to fervently pray and fast in the hope of attaining it. Some even mistakenly believe that this divine life is only accessible in the hereafter, reserved exclusively for heaven. However, the truth is quite different.

Eternal life is not merely a promise or a future expectation; it is a transformative reality. Upon experiencing the new birth, eternal life is imparted to one’s human spirit, instantly awakening a deep connection to the Fatherhood of God. It is, in essence, the God-life itself—a life that transcends earthly limitations and is impervious to corruption.

Consider this: when someone with a malignant tumor in their body encounters eternal life, that tumor should wither away and vanish. This realization is made possible through the profound teachings of God’s Word, which have become more accessible in the Body of Christ. Believers are increasingly recognizing the significance and impact of this divine life within them.

In times of adversity, it is imperative to confront challenges from the perspective of this newfound identity in Christ. You reside in the realm of incorruptibility, immortality, eternal joy, unshakable peace, and boundless glory. You reign and rule over the forces of darkness, triumphing over Satan, his minions, and the worldly elements. Hallelujah!

Carry this consciousness with you every day of your life. Live and think as someone who possesses eternal life. Regardless of the trials you encounter in this world, the solution resides within you. Blessed be God!

I embrace and operate in the awareness that my spirit has been infused with eternal life—a life that mirrors the very essence of God! Consequently, I exist within the sphere of unyielding purity, undying vitality, eternal bliss, unshakable serenity, and boundless splendor. In this capacity, I rule and reign victoriously over Satan, his cohorts, and the elements of this earthly realm. Amen.

FURTHER READING:let’s delve into John 3:36*: “He who believes in the Son possesses eternal life; but those who do not believe in the Son will not experience life, for the wrath of God rests upon them.”
John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

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